administered by 'Exclusive Hosting'

Linux hosting plans

The affordably priced Exclusive packages ($3.25 USD /mo) are all driven by one of the most leading-edge cloud hosting platforms present on the present day web hosting market. The impressive thing here is that the cloud webspace hosting system has been exclusively made by Exclusive Hosting. It's in-house designed. And there is more. There are 4 datacenter facility locations this remarkable cloud website hosting solution is being offered at: in the US, in Great Britain, in Sweden and in Australia. You can also review the cloud hosting demo account - give heed to the audio/video demonstrations located there. If you have no idea what cloud website hosting actually is, check the website hosting review.

Hosting Details Exclusive Multi-Exclusive Enterprise
Monthly Price
Server Disk Space Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Monthly Web Traffic Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Hostnames 1 10 Unlimited
Domains Parked Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
E-mail Addresses 500 2000 Unlimited
FTPs 5 20 Unlimited
Single-click PHP Script Installer
Web Site Creation Tool
Free TLD Registration
Free Design Themes
Money Back Warranty
Web Service Continuity